Saturday, March 19, 2016


Hello fam,
God calls us more than conquerors,we are not victims of our circumstances,not slaves and not captives of our thoughts.we have the power to take charge of our thoughts and stay grounded in God ,so when the stomps come we can see victory instead of defeat.If He knew we are loosers He wouldnt call us conquerors ,He isnt a man to lie.
We all know or have heard the story of Job but this part encourages me when am faced by stuff and challenges,

Job 42:12 says so the Lord blessed the latter years of Job more than his beggining not mentioning all that he owned and the fact that his 3 daughers were the most beautiful in the land!!after loosing everything.
16 says after this Job lived 140 years and saw his sons,and his sons sons's sons even 4 generations 

Lets not forget all that Job had gone through in his ealiar years but didnt forsake God,he stood firm when everyone expected him to give up and curse God,when it would have looked like the best decision or ok at that moment and accepted in the society ,he went against the current and believed.

17 so Job died being old,full of days.(i tend to think he lived each day to the fullest even on his 140th year with no regrets)

Who does that?only when we focus on His power and what He has done in the passed ,what His word says and His miraculous deeds will make us trust and believe that He is always working behind the scenes for us.He is limitless ,have a great week ahead.

Blessings ❤️