Wednesday, November 19, 2014


Hello loves,hope your having a great week. Its seems we can never go wrong with a white pant..its been evident to me lately .I love color and i thought i should just throw some on to it.

Thank you .

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

PINK MONTH.......................

I believe its still october our pink month and i have been intending to do this post all trough but time hasnt been on my side.I never knew i would come to love pint at any point of my life but lately its been giving me life,,,i love it.
October being a breast cancer awareness month am sure to some people it brings memories of loved ones who lost their lives through it,i pray and hope that one day we shall over come this battle and cancer pain...and to some they celebrate victories as well.Its important we keep our tits checked and moreso learn that life will be more rewarding wen learn to be content in every season and focus on the good.Sometimes its just okay to be grateful for the state we are in because someone somewhere is in a worse state than us.
Here are some of the pics we took ,just a few.

Thank you for passing by xoxo.

Monday, October 13, 2014


Hi everyone,
hope you are all having a lovely week,i know i  am ankara self proclaimed addict,i am just infatuated by the prints that have led me to making my own outfits and somehow play around with my house decor but more so having clients.......i never knew sewing was this fun.The joy of finishing an outfit and see it fit like i want plus making corrections where necessary makes sewing fun..i hope to grow even more.

Here is my client who did so much justice to the outfit and rocked it right on point..I felt good seeing someone wearing something that i have worked on...

I hope you all have an awesome week ahead..
Thank you for stopping by.....

Wednesday, September 24, 2014


Hey guys,its been a while since i did a post all has been well lets just say i have been a little bit busy and sometimes i just get caught up in things.
I am back to my turban love and here is my most recently designed maxi skirt,although its simple piece ,i fell in love with the colour of the fabric which enticed me more.
I heart ankara so i thought of making myself a maxi that came out just like i had imagined it.I love it and am so certain of wearing it more often.....
The fabrics print are just deep.
Here are some of the pictures that we randomly took.

A big thank you to my Kris for always being the man behind the camera. Thanx for dropping by guys.................................................................................................................................................